The Holy Martyrs Peter, Dionysius, Andrew, Paul, Christina suffered under emperor Decius (249-251). Peter suffered in the city of Lampsaka. Brought to trial before the prefect Optimines, he bravely confessed his faith in Christ. They tried to force the youth to deny the Lord and worship the goddess Venus. The martyr refused to do this, declaring for everyone to hear, that a Christian would not bow to the idol of a lecherous woman.
St Peter was subjected to fierce tortures, but he endured them with courage, giving thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for giving him His all-powerful help. Then he was beheaded.
Troparion - Tone 4
Your martyrs, O Lord, for their sufferings
Have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God.
For strengthened by Your might,
They overthrew tyrants and destroyed the powerless boldness of demons.
Through their supplications save our souls.
Kontakion - Tone 2
Suffering martyrdom worthily
With those who suffered with you, O Theodotus,
You received crowns of honor with holy virgin martyrs.
Therefore entreat Christ God unceasingly in behalf of us all.