The Monk Makarii, Faster of Pechersk, in the Nearer Caves (XII), and the Monk Makarii, Deacon of Pechersk, in the Farther Caves (XIII-XIV), were both deacons. Their memory is placed under 19 January because of their name in common with the Monk Makarios of Egypt. About the Monk Makarii from the Farther Caves is known, that he was distinguished by his lack of covetousness, that he possessed great fervour for the temple of God and he continuously exerted himself in the reading of Holy Scripture and in fasting. According to tradition, he was frequently ill in childhood, and his parents gave a vow to God to offer their son to the Pechersk monastery, if he were made healthy. By his mildness and humility he earned the love of the brethren, who taught him to read and to write. For his piety of life he was raised to the dignity of deacon, and during his life he possessed a gift of wonderworking. Apart from this commemoration, the Monk Makarii from the Nearer Caves is also celebrated on 28 September, and the Monk Makarii from the Farther Caves on 28 August. The general commemoration is with all the Pechersk wonderworkers – on the 2nd Sunday of Great Lent.