Saint Evagrius lived in the city of Anazarbus (Asia Minor) during the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (305-311). The prefect of the city, Pelagius, was a very cruel man. His servants sought out Christians throughout the entire region and brought them to trial, where which the imperial edict was read to them, and they were ordered to worship idols.

After seeing the miracles which took place as St Theodula was being tortured, many people believed in Christ, among whom were the respected citizens Macarius and Evagrius. The pagans continued to torture Christians. They heated an oven and threw St Theodula, Macarius, Evagrius and many other Christians into it. They all suffered martyrdom, and were translated into life immortal.

Saint Macarius came to believe in Christ after witnessing the martyrdom of St Theodula of Anazarbus. He was thrown into a heated oven, together with other Christians, and received the crown of martyrdom.

