Saint Helladius witnessed the torture of St Theodula of Anazarbus in Asia Minor. Wishing to ingratiate himself with the governor and to receive honors, he asked the governor Pelagius to turn St Theodula over to him, promising to make her worship the pagan gods. .

Helladius subjected St Theodula to harsh torments, exceeding Pelagius in cruelty. The saint prayed that God would grant her the ability to persevere. She immediately received help from God and she was healed. The tormentor was awestruck, and St Theodula admonished him. “Become a Christian,” she said, “and attain eternal honors in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who shall judge both the living and the dead and render to each man according to his deeds.”

By her prayers and her words, St Theodula led Helladius to the knowledge of truth. He believed in Christ and confessed the True God before the governor. He also received the crown of martyrdom. He was beheaded with a sword, and his body was thrown into the sea. He suffered for Christ during the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (305-311).

